WrestleCon just finished last weekend and it is the event that brings wrestling fans around the world in one large venue during WrestleMania week. Here, you are given the opportunity to meet your favorite professional wrestlers such as Rob Van Dam, Kevin Nash, Billy Gunn, Scott Hall, Arn Anderson, Rick Flair, Lita, Trish Stratus, Booker T, and much more. There are over two hundred different wrestlers that shows up every day and there are also live shows and even Q and A’s with select talent. There was event an event tied to this with Joey Ryan that could only be attended if you are only 18 years old but I will leave it at that. If you are a wrestling fan, this is a must go when WrestleMania weekend is in your town.

This event took place at the Hilton Hotel on 6th avenue in New York City and I have to say that it was very much organized with a lot of space used compared to previous years and I had no problem going back and forth to different vendors and tables as it did not feel very crowded or boxed in compared to other shows in the convention scene. On this particular week, I was the official Correspondent of the show working for Five.TV to conduct interviews and here are the ones that has happened during the show.

My first interview of the day is with the “Interview Queen” Alicia Atout We talk about how she became the Interview Queen and what did it take for it to happen. We also talked about comic books, her earliest memories as a wrestling fan, Her favorite music, and her website. From what I have been told by other people, she has never been interviewed before and it was a shock to see her interviewed. You can check her content right here https://amusicblogyea.com/about-the-writers/
Up next, is UFC and MMA Dan “The Beast” Severn. I have been a fan of mixed martial arts since I was a pre-teen and it still amazes me to this day. I was first exposed to him in the WWE in 1998 but then my friends in the classroom told me that he was in UFC and then I was borrowed a cassette VHS tape of one of his fights and I became a bigger fan of his ever since. We talk about his championships that he has won in his career, Jim Cornette, the Brawl For All, Connor McGregor, If he keeps up with the current product of both MMA and WWE, and much more.
Scott Steiner is a funny guy and I have been a fan of him since WCW. He is not known as the “Big Bad Booty Daddy” for no reason as we talked about his time when he was an amateur wrestler when he was younger and the accomplishments he has made, his time as the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, and the infamous “math” promo he cut in TNA Wrestling his reaction to WWE Superstar Big E doing his version of the math promo. We joked around also for a little bit after the interview and he is a guy that you would want to meet if you see him.
I next interviewed former WWE Superstar Celeste Bonin (Kaitlyn) at the show and she is awesome! Even Vickie Guerrero made a cameo as well. Celeste talked about his time with WWE, her clothing line Celestial Bodiez, her time in NXT, a mention of Triple H and AJ Lee, and her workout routine. It was a fun interview. You can check out her clothing line right here: https://www.celestialbodiez.com/pages/celesteboninceo
Brian Zane of Wrestling With Wregret to me is the “Angry Videogame Nerd” version of professional wrestling. His topics and discussions on his videos are always a must watch and I have been watching his channel since the start way back in 2013. I finally got the chance to interview him as we talked about the origin and beginning of his channel, what did he look forward to at WrestleMania, who would he like to collaborate with, his favorite episode on his channel, a story about how the Herb Abram’s UWF episode was made, and much more. He was at the show for three days so I can image how he and the others are very drained since these shows will have your energy for most of the time. You can subscribe to Wrestling With Wregret right here as he post many great produced videos every week. In fact, my favorite episode of his is also the UWF episode!
My final interview is the biggest I have done so far this year and it is with Rob Van Dam. Rob Van Dam has been highly successful in everywhere he has been whether if it was in ECW, WWE, or Impact Wrestling (in which he has just returned last week), he is a name that everyone will never forget in years to come. His flashy and high impact style makes him stand out during the 1990’s and the 2000’s and to this very day. We talked about his return to Impact Wrestling, his new documentary and how it started as a comedy tour documentary that organically transformed into the major topic of CTE, A story about Vince McMahon, his research on CTE, and his favorite moments in the ring and how he got the call to return to Impact Wrestling. Even his girlfriend Katie Forbes made a cameo too and she also made her Impact Wrestling Debut at the United We Stand show.
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