San Diego Comic Con just wrapped up yesterday at the San Diego Convention Center as many attendees from different fandoms attended the show. No joke, over 100,000 people were there and I thought I would be obverwhelmed with going to different vendors, offsites, press rooms, and the panels this year, but I was not as I stretched out my schedule for press coverage this year. I can say that I am happy with my results for 2019 and here are my highlights below.

I told myself that I would never go on very long lines and Hall H is an example of that. I believe that this year’s line was much longer than last year’s as it extended all the way to the IMDB boat. Some of the big panel attractions that were showcased this year were Marvel Studios, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Supernatural, etc. We got the most news out of Marvel Studios as the Phase 4 announcements light up the room with a huge reception with announcements such as Black Widow, Doctor Strange, The Eternals, Loki, and the biggest of them all, Shang-Chi, Thor: Love and Thunder, and Blade. It is finally great to see Blade to be added to the MCU as I wanted that for years. DC did not have any panels this year at Hall H, but there was a screening of Batwoman on preview night and soon, you sill read my thoughts of the show. As for the Hall H line itself, it looks very intimidating when you realize that you are looking at the front of the line under the giant tent and it extends way to the back to the point where you cannot see it.

At the theater where the Conan tapings took place during the week of Comic Con, there was a special screening preview of It:Chapter 2. Not only that the entire cast was there, you were able to pick up the exclusive Funko Pops at the end of the viewing. The previews that were shown has made the crowd drop their jaws at every scene that was shown. I honestly cannot wait for the film later this year since I am a fan of the previous film. The entire cast took questions from the fans after the showing and Conan presented the event!

My interviews also took place at San Diego Comic Con as I interviewed cast members of Netflix’s The Order. Those included Katherine Isabelle, Sarah Grey, and Louriza Tronco along with executive producers and creator Dennis Heaton and Shelly Eriksen. We all talked about the upcoming second season of the show and it was a blast.
I also interviewed Alison Tolman and Alexa Swinton as we talked about the upcoming ABC series Emergence. I have never interviewed a child before so this was fun to do. And finally, I interviewed cosplayer and make-up artist Meg Wilbur as we talked about her cosplaying as Rogue, her daily routine, the marvel cinematic universe, and much more!
I also attended the press conferences of The Walking Dead, Fear The Walking Dead, The Boys, and Dark Crystal, but that will be on a seperate article!
There were many offistes that happened this year. Although I did not attend many of them, there were a few that I attended. Amazon had their activations this year which showcased The Boys, Carnival Row, and The Expanse. All of them were very fun and what I forgot to mention in my article about the experience is that on preview day at Amazon, Carl’s Jr. had a truck out there and you had 3 options of cheeseburger types along with french fries and a drink and it was FREE! Many people did not know this until after the fact.

The Walking Dead’s Deadquarters had a huge presence once again with their offsite as this time around, it centered around the airplane and treehouse on the current season of Fear The Walking Dead. There were also times that the radaition gas pyrotechnics happened in the area and it looked awesome. The biggest feature of Deadquarters is that there was an area dedicated to the snowstorm crossing that you have seen in the season 9 finale of The Walking Dead. There was a lot of snow brewing in the tent and it was very cold inside. We had to go through the storm to go to the other side. I have seen frozen walkers, and The Whisperers’ border with heads on a pike.
After you escaped, you are then in a area where you can try the slots game of The Walking Dead, take a audition animation of the mobile app game The Walking Dead: Our World, and demo The Walking Dead: Onslaught. Very fun experinece and I cannot wait to see what they will bring next year.

I also took the time to play the upcoming Switch port of Yu-Gi-Oh: Legacy of the Duelist as the Link Summoning mechanic along with the VRAINS story option has been added. I talked with the game’s creator about the game along with the rule changes over the years of the Yu-Gi-Oh card game. I am a Nintendo Switch owner so I am looking forward to playing this on the go!

I love San Diego Comic Con and this year was an awesome year for the show. I also have to say that the weather was the best in San Diego for Comic Con in years and many other people have said the same thing. I did not have too much time to take pictures of cosplayers, but these two images from the show that I took are my favorite.