Netflix’s The Circle has proved to be a success and it also brought a discussion about how impactful social media is. From the hashtags, to having a conversation with random strangers, and to posting pictures online for you to be anxious on who noticed the picture, The Circle exploited the functions of social media from the first episode, to the end. One of the most popular members of The Circle is Sammie Cimarelli and she is here to talk about her time on the game show along with a few facts that you have not known about her until now in this exclusive interview.
Tell me more of yourself. What was it like growing up and what were your best memories with your family?
SC: “I grew up in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. I have only lived in Miami since June of 2017 and I have 6 sisters and 2 brothers. My best memories with my family are traveling and going on vacations. We also have a lot of holiday traditions. Egg hunts on Easter, finding the pickle in the tree on Christmas, playing games on Thanksgiving, etc. My family is really close and making memories has always been something important for us.”
You must have a lot of interests outside of the show and social media. What do you like to do in your spare time that you would like your fans to know?
SC: “In my spare time, I absolutely love to sing and dance. I have also been looking into taking acting and singing lessons because I really want to mold my talents into something other than just a hobby I do in my room. I have actually sang in my high school chorus and was part of a jazz band competition where I had a full jazz band playing behind me while I sang.”
How were you approached to join The Circle? and who pitched the concept to you?
SC: “I was approached through a phone call.”
Being that this is an episodic reality-based game show, how did you and everyone else kept it a secret to the general public?
SC: “We agreed through legal paperwork to follow regulations and restrictions in regard to the show.”
I also noticed that there were cameras all over the room. Were those the only cameras that were used, or was there also a camera crew there without the viewer noticing?
SC: “Camera’s were always rolling; the cameras were only unable to film when walking room to room. The cameras seen hanging in each room were the only cameras around. There was never a camera crew in the apartment.”
Were there any times that the voice activated app did not work, or did not hear your voice?
SC: “No. Not once.”

Do you feel that The Circle exposed the dark side of social media?
SC: “I feel The Circle exposed a lot of darkness and light for social media. I think it also exposed the precautions that should be taken when using social media and how careful one should be when interacting with others through an app, when you have no met this person directly.”
Some of my favorite moments watching The Circle were the game challenges as I was anxious to see who was going to win the challenge. What were some of your favorite game challenges?
SC: “I would say my favorite game challenge was the cake challenge and the painting challenge, simply because we were given items to use and create things. The other challenges were fun, however, my mind was being used differently for the cake and paint challenges. Which I feel like I needed while being secluded in that apartment for so long.”
One of the challenges involved everyone making an anonymous comment on everyone’s photo with a hashtag and this was at the point where I was hooked to see who would get exposed first. Before it was revealed who would be the next catfish, who did you think it was?
SC: “I think we all knew before, during, and after that game that Mercedez was the catfish.”
Was there at any point that you wanted to go to see if the other cast members were not catfishing even though you were not supposed to?
SC: “There actually was never a point in time where I wanted to go see the other cast members to see if they were lying or not. It was really fun having to guess and actually play the game to see who was real and who wasn’t.”
I love the show and I hope that it returns for season 2. If someone was auditioning for The Circle, what advice would you give them?
SC: “Bring a lot of things to keep you occupied!!!! Seriously, bring a suitcase of things.”
You also have a YouTube channel and you have a great amount of content. Did the cast recognized you from your channel when they first saw you?
SC: “No, they did not see my YouTube channel at first.”
What are some of your upcoming projects and where everyone can find you on social media?
SC: “Currently I am unable to speak on upcoming projects but there will definitely be more of me!!! You can find me on Instagram, Twitter and Youtube @itsssammiee”
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