Last week’s episode, we seen the debut of Dwight on Fear and it is one of my favorite epiasodes of the series for reasons I explained on my review of last week’s episode. How does Fear follow that awesome debut one week later? By having an episode that is very puzzling and good at the same time. There are moments that will have your head scratching at least seven times during the episode, But it is up to you to judge when that happens. There is also an awesome moment as well, but I will save it for now as I deep right into the fourth episode of Fear The Walking Dead titled “Skidmark”.
As you know by now, Skidmark is the name of Daniel’s cute little cat and the episode begins as he and Skidmark are shown bonding as Daniel puts on a record player and also puts the colar on him along with him taking down a few walkers in one area. Then while he is at the abandoned supermarket, he sees a door gun trap at the front of the supermarket that is inside. He triggers the trap and he is lucky that the machine gun did not get him. He also takes down another walker after the trap triggered. He then enters the store to take the supplies and guns and marks down the traps on the map. He also says that there are three more traps too. After he puts the guns and supplies away, he makes himself dinner which is tomato soup.
Later in the night, Strand, Wendell, Sarah, and Charlie are back at Daniel’s location as Charlie tries to infiltrate the area. She is almost caught, but she ends up in Daniel’s car and hides there. No luck for her as Daniel decides to drive the car that she is in. In the morning, Juliana gives Dylan Breakfast as Morgan contacts the rest of the gang. Dylan begins to talk to Morgan and the rest as Morgan assures him that he does not have to be afraid of them. Dylan asks them if they will leave once they get the plane as we then transition to Strand and the rest as they plan to hijack the plane that they found. Unbeknowist to them, Daniel knows that they are taking the plane as he left a note on the window. Strand and Daniel then talk on the radio as Daniel says that he will make his promise if Strand and the rest are still there when he comes back. Sarah then tells Daniel over the radio that he should just give them the plane and they will leave afterwards. Daniel then tells her to stay away from him and he also says that “he sent a child to do their dirty work”. He even says that he will save Charlie from Strand. Strand, Sarah, and Wendell try to come up with a plan to get Charlie back and Daniel tells Charlie that he will not hurt her at all and she also sees the map of the trap locations and she asks him if he set them up in which he replied by saying that he did not.

Back to Dylan and Luciana as they talk about the book she wanted him to read and gives him an explanation of the book. After she leaves the area, Dylan contacts Max and Annie on the radio as we see more walkers tied together for a road block. It was also there that we see one of the helicopter group’s members (now known as the initinals CRM) taking down walkers as Max and Annie hide. Daniel and Skidmark are at another store that is not only full of walkers, but also by another machinegun trap. Charlie tells him the plan of how to get the gun without getting caught by the dead. She sounds very resourceful so I will give her that. Her and Charlie also talk about the place and then proceeded to their plan as Skidmark attracts the walkers at the window as Daniel and Charlie try to open the back door as the gun trap goes off. They left the area once the windows got shot out as the walkers walk out of the store.
Daniel tells her that they will lead the walkers to a location and take them down one by one. And then we go back to Morgan as he takes down a walker that was attracted by the caged pigeons. Dylan tells them to go away from the forest and also admitted that he lied to the group because he and his brother and sister is scared. Max and Annie also had a close call with walkers and they leave the area as well. Daniel and Strand are on the radio as Charlie also tells them that there is a herd behind them. Daniel then tells Charlie to drive and to take the plane and leave. Charlie then gives the items needed for the plane to Strand and Strand apologizes to Daniel for what happened at the damn a few seasons ago. Charlie then says to the rest that they cannot leave him there by himself trying to take out those walkers.
Max and Annie had another close call with walkers until Morgan and Alicia finally saves them. After that, more teenagers surround the both of them. At the same time, Daniel is still walking with the herd behind him as the music from his radio is attracting them. Sarah tells Daniel to get in the van as the walkers are about to take him out. Sarah tried to do a rapid fire of machine guns from the van but it did not fire at all and then Daniel crawled under the van. Strand then attracts the walkers to the spinners of the plane to chop them down and this scene was gory and also fun to look at as those walkers were chopped to bits and pieces. Daniel finally gives in and tells Strand that he will not shoot him in the face.

Annie then contacts Dylan and the rest of the teenagers put their guns down after Annie convinced were convinced that they are not bad people. before that continues, Daniel tells Charlie, Strand, Wendell, and Sarah that they can stay over there until the plane gets fixed. Morgan also talks about his wife and son to Alicia in a heartwarming conversation but before they can continue, the episode ends as everyone gets on the ground to see the helicopter and the kids are also aware of the group as well.
Although there were good moments on this episode with my favorite parts that involved Daniel and Strand and the gory walker kill montage, and the ending, the story has not moved much. The three kids can begin to get annoying to the viewers and I can see why since it has turned into a cat and mouse game since the first episode. I did liked the episode, but I felt underwhelmed with the plot. Hopefully, we get to find out the idenities of the Helicopter Group very soon as well.
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