Last week on Fear, we got a glimpse of what is to come with the Helicopter Group that is connected with the main show. This week, we follow that up with the group being together at once again without being separated. But how long before they do get separated? Here is my review of the sixth episode of Fear The Walking Dead titled “The Little Prince”.
The episode opens with Anne washing her hands while the other kids were watching the 1939 animated film Gulliver’s Travels (I still have this on a VHS cassette tape which is why I remember what film that was). Max was reading the book that Lucianna gave him and asked Dylan for a snack bar. Dylan refuses at first and then asks what did Max did to his sister. Morgan then contacts the kids on the radio and he wants to know if everything was okay. He also lets them know to not get too confrontable with staying there and then Anne tells him over the radio that there are more roads blocked due to radiation. As everyone else comes in with the plane and it’s parts, Morgan gives a speech to the kids about how hard it was getting there and that they did not give uo due to having something to fight for. It is also great to see the entire group back together as well. Lucianna tells them that everyone will fix the plane so that they can fly back across the mountain.
Morgan then contacts Grace and tells her that they are working on their way home. Grace did listen at first, but she then turned off the walkie-talkie and got out the car to head towards the radioactive zone. Morgan then leaves the same channel on and then did some training with the stick he was currently carrying. He then went back inside to make a new stick weapon out of an old mop and him and Alicia had a funny moment as that happened. Max and Lucianna talk and Max said a quote in the book that read “You can only see with your heart, not your eyes” as he puts his glasses back on. The blood from the gruesome walker kills from the previous two episodes is still on the plane as Sarah is trying to clean it off. June asks Anne about her leg since her leg is still not healed from the walker scuffle. June tells Anne that she used to run, but not with a sprained ankle and talks about John as she says “survival starts with socks” as John comes in. John will go out with Dwight to continue looking for Sherry.
Althea got the plane engine to run, but the gear malfunction as the prepeller of the plane also went flying. Good thing that it did not hit anyone. A walker then approaches and Morgan takes it down very fast and swiftly. Grace finally responds to Morgan and warns him that another reactor meltdown will happen if she does not get a generator.

John asks Dwight how him and Sherry split up. Dwight gave him a short story and response and John lets him know that he did not give up faith on looking for June and neither should he with looking for Sherry. Grace then contacted Morgan again and told Alicia that she needs the extra generator to buy time to prevent the reactor meltdown to happen. Also, Strand, Charlie, and Sarah look on the map to figure out where they will find another repeller for the plane. They debate back and forth on possible locations until Charlie brings up the brewery hot air balloon on the front of the magazine. They agree to go back to that location, but more on this in a bit.
Grace and Morgan are at the contamidated area and Althea is still trying to fix the engine. June and Althea talk and she brings up the helicopter as she wanted to take it back to them. June suspects that Althea is hiding something from her and June reminded Althea that she let her open up about John and it was finally her time to open up as well. Lucianna talks to the three kids as Anne thinks that the plane will not work as she has zero faith on the group. Dwight then sees a dead body that he reconize and he also tells John what Sherry did to protect him. He also indirectly mentioned Daryl Dixon being the one to send him away to look for her. John then takes down an order reciept with the words “honey” and he also finds more reciepts and used a pencil to see a hidden message.
Alicia and Anne talk and Anne is not convinced that her mind could be changed about the plan. Anne also tells her about the camp that they used to live at along with her parents. She goes over what they went through, how the walkers came from the power plant to overrun the camp, and about her parents getting sick due to the radaition after they killed those walkers. Alicia also wonders if she surrounds herself with the dead to protect her brothers, or because she does not want to be around other people. Alicia does understand why the kids cannot leave though and Anne gives her the key. Dwight then finds a car that might belong to Sherry. As Dwight goes back in the house, John finds a note with the infinity symbol and John reads the note and realizes that it was the last letter Sherry left. Sherry says in the letter that she killed the man that they both seen that was already dead. She also wrote it in a way for Dwight to no longer find her.

Morgan and Grace are about to enter the area and Morgan then finds his old stick in the back of the van as Morgan brings up the guy that trained him and also changed him. Grace then thanks him for helping with the road blocks and she does not want Morgan to come since she cannot rick another person getting killed. Strand then gets on the walkie-talkie and tells the rest of them that they found prepellers. Strand and Charlie are on the beer bottle hot-air balloon returning back. Alicia tries to get the kids to see this moment, but they are all gone. Dwight tells John that he found food and he is hopeful that Sherry is close. John also hid the fact that he found the note as he did not tell Dwight about the letter. But I have a feeling that Dwight will find out soon.
The episode comes to an end as the balloon runs out of fuel and lands at the area that is radioactive. Alicia then comes across walkers that are stuck together as Morgan tells them to not kill any walkers or they will die due to them being contaminated. Strand and Charlie are also surrounded by walkers as this is the final scene of the episode.
This episode moved much faster than last week’s episode, but I am still puzzled to why those kids are a central plot of this first half of the season. They jump back and forth whether if they want to leave with the group or not. I also like that Dwight has more hope than ever finding his long lost wife Sherry and that John is keeping that faith alive. Th hot-air balloon scene might look cheesy to viewers, but it made me laugh before the fuel ran out. This is another strong episode, but I feel like Morgan needs to stop trying to save everyone and everything and start being more of a leader. I still love Morgan, but it is time for a change in him again. I hope that the plane is fixed by the mid season finale.
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