We may have just witnessed the final appearance of Althea on tonight’s Fear The Walking Dead. And to be honest, I am okay with it.
This is because the character has not been utilized to it’s full potential ever since her first on screen debut back in season 4. Sure, we uncovered a chuck of story with Al in the coming years, but it never seemed to make me sympathize with Al. That was until she meet the CRM soldier Isabelle.
Speaking of CRM, whoever wrote this episode must have not seen World Beyond. The military members are a force to be reckoned with. And all it took was for this episode to make two members look goofy and silly for no apparent reason. Fear The Walking Dead is hit and miss with groups. But that one should have not been made to look like a joke.

I did however like the scene where Morgan used the civil war style cannon to blast the two soldiers to pieces. But his plot armor of finding all of these characters is getting tiresome. Especially since there are points where everyone is taking their masks off or riding horses that seemed to be immune to the radiation. That is my biggest issue with this current season as it is giving me flashbacks to the level of stupidity of season five.
Maggie Grace is a great actress and I believe this episode showcased how great she is. Al letting go of her journalistic past to live the rest of her life with Isabelle is quite telling. What is going to happen to the rest of those video recordings? Who knows! The seventh season has been very underwhelming so far besides the fifth episode. Things need to pick up!
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