Tonight’s Fear The Walking Dead is a race against time. In a way I can describe it, I would say to fasten your seatbelts and get your earplugs.
That is because Morgan and Grace are dealing with a major conflict while trying to watch over Morgan Jr. Hearing a baby cry all night as a new parent is one thing, but for 90% of the episode, I found it annoying. There is some good action that I like. Along with the visuals during the day to the night. But it did not make up for the messy plot.
Due to the fact that everything outside of the submarine is contaminated by radiation, I am wondering how did Morgan Jr. survived inside there. In fact, How is it that Morgan and Grace just found a storage hatch full of baby formula out of nowhere? I am pretty sure that they searched the whole place. But it just magically happened.
Speaking of Magic, Emile’s long lost twin brother appeared at the end of the episode and I am thinking why did this happen now instead of before the previous season finished. Now Emile is going to get his revenge on Morgan. It will be interesting to see how this will develop.

Fear The Walking Dead does great when it comes to developing Morgan with extra layers. Today’s episode showed how ruthless he is with the two bandits that tried to steal Morgan Jr. and claim him as theirs. I will give it to them, I would do everything to protect my own child. I also feIt sad for Grace as she is experiencing postpartum depression! hope these next few episodes begin to move the plot forward!
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