The Walking Dead held their annual panel this morning at New York Comic Con and the 2019 edition of the panel has given us more news about the entire universe of The Walking Dead than ever before. This panel featured the main show, and the untitled third series of the show as well. Here are my biggest positive takeaways of the entire two hour panel of The Walking Dead at New York Comic Con.

Season 11 Announcement
During the panel, showrunner Angela Kang announced to the world that the show has been renewed for an 11th season. This is excellent news and this also means that we will get new stories as well. The next season will return in the fall and to keep track on this, the 11th season will feature its 150th episode which will most likely be a monumental episode. The show made it to episode 100 on the first episode of season 8.
The Untitled Third Series Trailer and Cast

We have only known a few details of the third series since the announcement earlier this year and we finally got more news about it this week when the photos of the show was released a day before the panel. Today, we finally seen the trailer and got to know more of the cast today as Alexa Mansour, Hal Cumpston, Annet Mahnendru, Nico Tortorella, Nicolas Cantu, and Aliyah Royale took the stage to talk about their roles on the series and their love for the universe of The Walking Dead. The most interesting part of the panel is that the three-ringed emblem we have seen on the CRM helicopter group is also connected with this show and The CRM group’s logo represents three locations as well and we will finally find out more about them since one of the locations is on that show. I asked Scott Gimple about the show back at the SplitScreen Festival and at the time, they were going to begin shooting the following week. Another interesting detail we haver heard today is that the show’s Walkers are called “Empties” and they all told everyone why they are called that. The third series premise is that it is a new generation of survivors that grew up within their gaurded community and now, they begin to explore outside the community. There are also great details that we heard about how the weapons in the show will be used against the walkers, when in the timeline of the original show it will take place, and much more. The third series will debut in the spring of 2020.
The Princess Is Coming!

This announcement caught everyone by surprise today as the news of “The Princess” Juanita Sanchez will come sooner as we thought as she will be played by Paola Lazaro on the second half of the tenth season of The Walking Dead. The Princess was first introduced on issue #171 back in 2017 and she is from Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. The story here is that Michonne, Eugene, Siddiq, and Magna was traveling to The Commonwealth and on their way, they meet her in Pittsburg. It will be interesting to see how the group will encounter her on the show. Paola has been acting since 2015 with her roles on television shows and movies such as Scenes from the Underground, Dichos, Pimp, and most recently, Lethal Weapon.
The Return of Lauren Cohan

This news shook the world and was long awaited as we got the return of Lauren Cohan on The Walking Dead. She has not been seen since the beginning of season 9 and the entire universe never forgot about her. Maggie was mentioned a few times in season 9 that she has went with Georgie. Now that Maggie is back, how will she deal with The Whisperers. The way this was revealed is that at the near end of the panel after Danai got her standing ovation, Chris Hardwick called a female on stage that cosplayed as Negan but with a Jason mask. She appeared on stage, and then took off the mask and the crowd erupted! This was a surreal moment to see live and I am happy that I witnessed this.
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